Another week of working on my "Marie Louise," and, this might have been the last of the painting on her! Tonight I did all her gold jewelry. I sort of messed the back of the necklace up a bit, but, this is my first doll, so I'm okay if she's not perfect. . . I'm just glad I started at the back so I could make my mistakes there, and not on the front! The front, I'm pleased to say, turned out quite well. I'll have to see it after firing, to know if I need to go over the beads a second time. If I don't need to, then guess what? I get to attach her to the body and finish her! Hooray!
Next, she needs clothing. I seriously can not have another nude doll laying around this place, LOL! I think I'm going to use a combination of her official patterns, as well as some of my own invention, to create her complete ensemble. I should have everything I need for her underpinnings already in my stash, but I'm not sure about her dress. I sketched an idea for her dress from a book of antique dolls in class tonight, and it is pink and black (of course, this is ME we're talking about here, LOL!) On the way home, I got to thinking that the dress is actually described as lavendar, and I do have some lavendar silk taffeta in my stash, so maybe I'll use that. . .
Speaking of the drive home. . . I am being TERRORIZED by spiders! Seriously! The past two weeks before tonight, there was a GINORMOUS one crawling all over the windshield. After I got home last week, I finally managed to get him out. I thought my troubles were over, but tonight, he was back, and he BROUGHT A FRIEND! Ugh! One of them climbed the windshield and vanished and I was just waiting for him to dangle down onto my head, while the other one paced back and forth at the base of my side window, taunting me, until he finally crawled down the door (no doubt so he could creep up my leg and thus torment me, but too bad for him, I got home before his evil plan was carried out!) I don't even know what to do, but seriously. . . I have to get these little eight-legged fiends out of my car or I am going to die in a horrific accident because one of them finally landed on me! (The last time a spider made contact with me, I quite literally tore like a 4" hole in the seat of my pants trying to escape him!) Yeah. Spiders. Not my favorite!
Thanks for an excellent article! I appreciate your insights and agree with what you wrote. pa windshield
ReplyDeleteMy sympathies with the spiders. If it makes you feel any better, maybe they're not really friends and one will become the snack of the other. (I've seen this for myself. It was like watching a suspenseful whodunnit.) Then you will only have one to worry about.
ReplyDeleteAck! I don't want to witness that. . . But maybe my spiders will all just move out. Doubt it though. Just this morning I noticed some industrious spider had made a web over night between two cars in my driveway. A GIANT one. Crazy spiders!