If this were a normal Monday, and I was missing doll class, I would make an effort to make some sort of doll-related progress - like maybe finishing those underpinnings for Marie Louise! But this is not a normal Monday; rather, it's the Monday that is only a week and a half prior to Dress U, aka my hugest costume event this year. . . And all three of my ensembles for Dress U are in bits and pieces around my sewing room. A bottom for this outfit is done, a top for that one partially done, and patterning for a third is my current adventure. Plus I have half a bonnet and a pattern made for a second. So, I somehow can't spend time in my sewing room and have it be on anything but Dress U stuff without feeling very stressed out! So I'll use my unexpected sewing room time tonight dealing with some of that. . .
But, in the spirit of keeping up with weekly doll babbling, even though I have no progress to report, I present. . .
A review of the "Our Generation" Camping Set! (Yes, I know, I said I was going to post reviews of three OG sets, one per day, for three days. And that was almost a month ago. Oops! Better late than never though, right?) Okay, here we go. . .
As you can see, I went with the blue version. I know this is bananas since I am, like, the queen of pink! But what sold me on the blue over the pink were the accessories. The pink tent looked like it was mostly cooking stuff, where the blue one has a little of that, but also a lantern that really lights up! Plus, my own tent in "real life" is blue. ;)
So first, the accessories. . .
The lid can come off the pitcher, and the marshmallow and hot dog can both be removed from the stick, which is fun. (As I've said before, I always love doll accessories that seem to function or move somehow!) The stick with the hot dog and marshmallow is just too cute! And the lantern - how cute is it that it really lights up?!?
The sleeping bag is just about the right fit for an AG:
It's perhaps a tiny bit short, but if you stuck a pillow under her head, you'd never know it. It feels like sleeping bag material, but is pretty thin. I don't think Mia should rely on it for warmth, should she decide to go on any cold-weather camp-outs. However, she should be just fine posing for silly photo shoots for me in it. ;)
And now, the tent. . .
It folds up for easy storage, and the ties that can be used to hold open the doors also act to hold it tied together when collapsed, which is neat (if you can remember how to refold it properly):
I had heard horror stories about the poles not being flexible enough to be used for the tent, and when I checked them out in person, I thought I was going to have that problem as well, because they seemed seriously not bendy! But, with a little help from my husband, we got it assembled. It doesn't look exactly like the stock photo on the OG web site, but, it's functional.
Taffy would like you to know that it is kitty-sized, and very fun to sit in and peek out of the doors and windows at your humans. ;)
Anyhow. . .
The doors velcro shut, and can be tied back if you wish to keep them open.
Mia got right in to try it out, and make sure she would fit length-wise. . . She does - but only just. And I'm sure one could fit a second doll in beside her, but not with much space left over. I feel this is authentic, since every tent I've ever owned has only just barely fit the number of people it claims to! ;)
The final verdict: Adult help is definitely required for assembly, and indeed even as an adult myself, it was easier with two of us working it. Assembly aside. . . The set is adorable, and I would have LOVED IT as a kid, to take with me on the family camping trips. What fun would that have been?!? I give this set an A!